
Winter Wonderland

 I think the mailbox is in there somewhere!

Are you jealous?  No?  It's probably because you can't feel the tropical temperatures that go along with such beautiful snow.  It'll be 15F tomorrow.  I might break out the shorts!  A nice change from last week's high temps of 0F!  I bet you're jealous now! 


Unfinished Business

So, with the man of the house being out of town half of this week, I decided on Day 1 that I would try to get something done.  Something other than cleaning, childing, feeding...you know, something for me.  I have been wanting a new dress forever, and before getting pregnant with child #2, I had bought a pattern and some material to make an awesome dress (well awesome to me anyway).  Well...since it's purchase, it's been sitting in a bag in the basement wishing to be made.
Enter Tuesday.
The little guy was asleep, the little girl was following me around.  I figured she could sit and watch me or go play if she got bored.  
Problem #1: she didn't.  It's difficult to lay fabric out to be cut when little hands keep pushing the cutting board, blowing the material and grabbing at pins and scissors.
Problem #2:  the little guy woke up.  Good news:  I got two pieces of the lining cut out.  Progress.
Problem #3:  I have to use the dining room table to lay things out to be cut.  
Problem #4:  We need the dining room table to eat at...luckily it hasn't posed a problem the last few days since we can fit two people around the sewing mess.
Enter Thursday:
Everything in exactly the same place as I left it on Day one.  Those two lining pieces are still the only pieces cut out.  And since that table will need to go back to it's originally intended purpose shortly, I guess they will be the only pieces cut out for awhile.  Hopefully it won't be another year and a half until that happens.



Where have you been all my life??


Online vs In Store

This year, it's been a little harder to go Christmas shopping.  Gone are the days of strolling through stores looking for ideas, best prices, awesome steals.  No more wandering around for perfect decorations, matching stockings, and all things Christmas decor.  It's been replaced by online browsing, comparing and buying.
I'm not sure what I enjoy more.  Online shopping is definitely more convenient; I can do it in my pjs, while kids are sleeping, playing, screaming.  I can also check out store after store for the best price, all with a few clicks and keystrokes.   But there is just something about wandering the store, hearing the Christmas music, checking everything out.  I miss it!
I am a big Christmas fan, but this online shopping is sure putting the kibosh on holiday joy!  Granted, it is fun to have parcels arrive on your doorstep, it's just not the same.
Maybe the batch of Nanimo Bars I am going to make tonight will make me feel better!



I am mentally planning a fabulous vacation for next year.  At this point, all I know is that I am going.  Mark can tag along if he wants, but I am definitely going.  I just don't know where.  Right now a relaxing, lazy vacation sounds heavenly, but come next August-November, I may be back to some what of a normal life and may feel like running all around some great city checking everything out.  
I can't decide where I (we) should go:  back to Paris (LOVE it there!), another beach resort (went to Aruba a few years back), a cruise (this time Northern Europe), or somewhere totally new?  
Help!!  What are your favourite vacation spots; relaxing or exploring.  Just keep in mind I am not a camping, run around in the jungle type person.  So a hike in the Amazon is probably not somewhere I want to go!
There are just too many places to randomly type into www.kayak.com to see how much airfare costs!  Throw some ideas out there for me of places I must go before I die, or go years and years without another vacation!


Over My Head?

Awhile back, Mark decided he wanted to get into watching Mad Men.  He had heard all the rave reviews and thought he should jump on the bandwagon.  I am the opposite.  If I don't like something on my own before the hype starts, I am not about to jump aboard.  That's why I have never picked up Harry Potter and never will.  I had no interest in it to begin with and now it's just crazy.  I'm just stubborn like that.
Anyway, so Mark started watching it, and since it's on about the time I am feeding the little one, I watch it with Mark.  Following last night's season finale (don't worry no spoilers here), I am stuck with the same feelings I had after the first few shows we watched;  I don't get it.  I get the story line/plot, but I just don't get the hype.  It's a fine show, if you like shows that depict alcoholism, rampant infidelity, chauvinism, poor parenting, etc., but there are plenty of other shows out there I enjoy more.  Perhaps I am more easily entertained and the more "intelligent", deep thought shows are beyond my grasp, but I am just not getting the hype.  Can someone explain why it gets all of the accolades it does?
I need to find a replacement for my TV obsession now that LOST is gone.  Not sure The Event will cut it.  At least L&O CI is coming back for a final 8 episodes with Goren and Eames.  I will have to live on that for now.
Anyone have any suggestions of shows that are can't miss?


A Day in the Life

It seems as we get older birthdays just don't seem as exciting as they did when we were little.  That's kind of sad, but I guess if we ran around telling strangers "it's my birthday today!" people might think we were a little off.
Well, yesterday was Mark's birthday and he never tells anyone.  So we decided that we would let people know instead!  Off to the balloon store we went!
We got a bunch of helium balloons, drove to the train station and tied some on his car.  When we got home we tied one more to the mailbox.  And of course we had the rest tied to the birthday chair.
He told us when he got off the train, everyone who walked by asked if it was his birthday and all wished him Happy Birthday!  Mission Accomplished.
I think, even though we're now "old", he had a good birthday.  Workers took him out to lunch, then he played hooky and went to a movie, came home, went out for steaks, back home for presents and cake.  I realized as I made the cake, that it was almost identical to the cake I made him last year, but I suppose when all you want is a yellow cake with chocolate frosting...they are bound to be similar! Then he capped the night off watching the Vikings lose...I guess you can't have everything.
Hope you had a great day!  We love you!



OK, this goes out to anyone who has ever cooked before.  I need some assistance.
Dinner time around here has been less than exciting ever since July.  With the exception of a week of meals being brought into us, of course.  Once on my own though...a completely different story.  
Last week, I even planned out an entire week's worth of dinners, AND bought the necessary ingredients!!
Sadly, none of those meals were ever made thanks to a certain cranky pants.  
So, I need some ideas for dinners that take 30 minutes MAX!  Some days 30 minutes of hands free time is pushing it.  Or some fabulous crock pot ideas that I can throw together in the morning and not touch again until dinner time.
I would be tickled pink if I could get a decent dinner made one night that wasn't bought at Costco (don't get me wrong, I love dinners bought at Costco, the orange chicken and Mongolian beef dinners are great!).  I would be even more tickled pink if I could get an hour of hands free happy time from this kid, but we are working on that!
Thanks for your help!


Life Lessons

How do you explain stealing to a two year old?  No, my two year old didn't steal, she got something stolen from her.  I'm not sure what is worse; that something was stolen or that it was allowed.
Here's what happened.  
We went to the Doctor's office for the two month check up.  Big T insisted on bringing her sunglasses, stuffed duck and her boy named Sue (a Pinocchio toy from some happy meal or something, you can thank her Dad for her naming him Sue!).  We got all checked in and sat down to fill out the info sheet, I asked her if she needed to go to the bathroom before we went back to see the Doctor and she did, so we went.  When we came out the nurse was waiting for us, so we went right back.  We got into the room, answered a couple of questions, got the little guy undressed for his weight check and that's when I realized we didn't have any of her stuff with us.  The nurse asked what we were missing and went on a hunt for it.  She came back with Sue and the sunglasses but there was no duck to be found.  The entire office staff looked for that duck including our Doctor.  Nothing.  As we left the building we checked at the main reception desk, but no one had turned anything in.  She took my name and number just in case, but we all know we won't be getting a phone call.
The ride home was filled with this conversation" "Where did my duck go?", "I don't know sweetie, I think someone took it", "Those boys?" (there had been some boys in the waiting room), "I don't know, it may have been those boys or someone else", "OK, and then they send my duck back to me?", "Maybe, but I don't think so, they don't know where you live".  It went on for a bit and then I think she sort of got it because she would say, "Those boys took my duck". And when we got home it was full on tears, a stolen duck coupled with no nap and a flu shot....she was not a happy camper.

Here is my beef.  This duck was not an inexpensive duck, $5 from Kohl's, and it's not even a beef with the kids (I assume a child took it), I can understand a little kid seeing a cool little stuffed animal just sitting there and wanting to play with it or take it.  What I don't get is what kind of parent, upon seeing their child with a toy that they obviously didn't leave the house with, lets that child keep that toy?? I would have marched that kid back in and made him/her give it back or take it to the lost and found because you know there is some kid out there missing it.  It made me quite angry at that parent, that they would not insist the child return it.  Now of course I am assuming the parent saw the duck, knew it didn't belong to their kid...maybe not, but I know I would notice my child carrying a large stuffed duck that didn't belong to her!

Thankfully there is a light in this story.  When we got home, I got a phone call from a friend who needed to stop by to use the bathroom because their water was turned off due to some repairs, and she asked what the crying was for.  I told her, and a few hours later we had a knock on our door.  It was two of her kids with a stuffed duck!  It wasn't the same stuffed duck, but Miss T was so excited! It was such a thoughtful gesture to do that for her, she was very happy and her new little duck quickly became a new friend.
So, while there are definitely parents out there who need to open their eyes, there are parents out there who go above and beyond, even for small things.  Thank you!


Excuse Me? 2.0

Where on earth is this girl considered plus size???

Only on the runways of America.


Long Overdue

No, I'm not still pregnant!
I should have posted these a week or so ago, but I just haven't had a free hand to do it...even now I should probably be trying to get kids to stop crying, but hey, sometimes they just need to cry.
Mark ran his first marathon in Idaho on August 28th (I say first because he is contemplating running one in October in Wisconsin).
He did great!! He ran it in 4 hours 2 minutes and some odd seconds (sorry I forgot that part).  For running your first marathon in the land of mountains and high altitude (coming from living in MN), he turned in a fantastic performance!!  He only walked funny for a day or so after! :o)
I only got a couple of pictures, but here he is in all his glory.

Way to go Mark!!


Hair Today...Gone Tonight

It's become apparent to me, after looking through old pictures with T and thumbing through past blog entries, that it seems the older I become, the shorter my hair becomes too.  When I got married, I had nice, long hair. As these 9 years have progressed, I've just continually chopped my hair shorter and shorter.  Not sure what that means, but anyway.
I've always dreaded "mom hair."  You know, super short in back, longer and permed on top? I know you know.  My Mom had hair like that forever.  Sorry Mom, but you did.  I suppose that since I have kids, I have mom hair since I am a Mom, but it's not that dreaded old lady hair (because when we were 14, all moms were old no matter what their age was).  
As I head out tonight to the hair salon, I wonder what my hair will come home like.  There isn't a lot left these days for it to get too much shorter...but one can try, right?  It is sad, but as I look around and see all the lovely heads of wonderful, long hair, I wish my hair was long too, but hair that is too straight and too fine, is just not meant to be that long and look good.  So I guess I will have to live out my days with "mom hair", living vicariously through all of those with beautiful long hair.  No more ponytails, no curling irons, no cute little hair accessories...just hair goop of various types and trying to tame that wild cowlick that appears with the short 'do.  
So, next time you see me, my hair might be more mom hair-ish, but it will still probably just look 8 year old boy-ish.  Either way, just tell me it looks awesome.  At least it won't be permed.


Man Down

So apparently having two children has completely sucked any independent thought out of my brain.  I have tried numerous times to blog about something, anything, unrelated to children and I have had no luck.  
Although, I could go on and on about the lack of worthwhile television programming being aired between the hours of 1:00AM and 4:00AM.  The early, EARLY, news (on at 4:30AM) is much more laid back and fun than the regular early morning news.  
It seems many of my past entries have been sprouted from some incident that occurred outside of my home and I guess now that it is rare for me to leave my home, my well of inspiration has dried up.  I did venture to the mall one night, on my own, for an hour to take some jewelry in for inspection; I know, an evening of wild abandon.  I threw caution to the wind and took advantage of the 7 for $20 anti-bacterial hand soap sale going on at Bath and BodyWorks (jealous, aren't you).
So for now, I guess this blog will be neglected until I can gain control of my brain again!  I have hopes that it won't be long for that to happen, but as these last 4 weeks have shown me...it's not likely!



Just a quick little note to say Happy Anniversary Mark!
It's the big 0-9 this year, and I am sure it will be a night full of fun and excitement.  Well I guess that depends on how many diapers will have to be changed between the time you get home and the time we get to go to sleep.  Fun AND excitement I tell ya.
It's been a great nine years.  Three states, and now 2 kids later....and to think, it all began with a pan of spinach lasagna.  Who knew?

(I'd put a picture up, but apparently the only pictures on this computer are of children...I'll throw one on here later for all you devoted readers to see what we looked like on that blessed day so long ago! haha)


Weight Loss with Melanie

The one thing I have learned since adding a child to our family, other than typing proficiently with one hand, is the perfect post pregnancy weight loss plan.  I don't know why women complain about how hard it is to lose the baby weight, it's the easiest thing I have ever done.
So for all of you ladies struggling with losing all of the weight, or just those last few pounds, let me share my secrets with you...feel free to take notes.

  1. Give birth to child #2.
  2. Ensure child #1 is mobile, inquisitive and not easily entertained playing by him/herself.
  3. Make sure new child  is also high maintenance (or colicky, whichever word you prefer).
  4. Spend every day time hour holding baby while trying to entertain toddler.  Even when child is sleeping because they won't stay asleep when put down (not that they sleep for long when held either).
  5. Feed baby every 2 to 2.5 hours for 30+ minutes.
  6. Wrangle toddler from destroying every thing in the house.
  7. Spend hours that baby is awake, constantly moving.  Walking, swinging, rocking, jumping, dancing, anything that stops the incessant crying.
  8. Try to keep toddler from crying over everything (swinging in the baby swing, trying to pick the baby up by his neck, breaking Wii games etc.)
  9. Spend nights waking every 1-2 hours to either feed baby or put baby back to sleep.
  10. Reducing, or eliminating altogether, meals due to a lack of opportunity to eat.  When eating permits, options are limited to items that can be made/chosen/held with one hand that do not require stove/oven use.  
  11. Repeat daily (minus step #1).
Follow these easy steps and you will be back in your old clothes in no time.  You won't have anywhere to wear them, but at least you will know you can fit into those jeans again!


Living the Life

Today's run down so far:

  • 2AM first wake up call
  • 6AM second wake up call
  • 7AM permanent wake-up call
  • 7:15 one kid dressed
  • 7:20 breakfast made while babe screams
  • 7:50 attempt to calm babe by sitting outside, no luck
  • 8AM trying to feed babe while simultaneously keeping 2 year old from having nuclear meltdown over random things like no candy or dad being at work
  • 8:45AM babe finally asleep, 2 year old needs on the potty
  • 8:47AM babe wakes up
  • 9AM I get to eat breakfast
  • 9:10AM babe resumes crying, 2 year old needs to poop
  • 9:12AM I get peed on while holding screaming babe
  • 9:15AM put load of laundry in one armed due to carrying screaming babe
Can't wait for what the rest of today and tomorrow will bring, since the other adult in the house will be gone for work (or so he says...he just wants to get away from the crying!)


Life 2.0

Well I can finally stop complaining about not being able to eat peanut m&m's anymore!!  I've eaten my fair share of them over the last couple of days and have plenty more at home that I can chow down on when I get there.  Life will be perfect now that they are back in my diet!
Our new little guy made it safe and sound (for any of you who read this that don't read the family blog), he is happy, healthy and enjoying life!  Miss T seems to like him so far, we will see once we are home and she realizes he is just not someone she goes to visit at the hospital, but someone who will live at her house and take up her Mommy and Daddy's attention.  I am hopeful she will be a great big sister and not have any issues with him.  She may just want to help out a bit too much!
It will be fun, interesting and a little scary to see how life changes and we adapt to two kids, but hey, if everyone else can do it, we can too, right?  Just don't expect my floors to be vacuumed if you stop by my house, not that they would have been vacuumed with one kid anyway, but you know what I mean.  We'll find our routine and then we'll get Mark to vacuum.
I figured I would take this quiet break at the hospital to go online for some random web surfing before re-entering life full time without a 24 hour nursing staff at my beck and call.  Hopefully soon I will be back to online ranting and rambling about random, nonsensical issues that have irked me or that I think should irk you, crying over LOST once February rolls around, and maybe, just maybe sharing a picture of the deck with you....when it is finally done and it passes inspection and we can actually use it before summer ends and the snow flies.
On that note, hope you enjoy the end of pregnancy rants, odes to candy I couldn't have and endless complaints of GD, pregnancy rudeness and all of that stuff.  If you haven't heard from me in a week or two, the kids have won and I will have lost touch with the outside world.  Please feel free to stop by if that does happen and try to pull me back in!! 



Nothing to report on the western front.
Just sitting, hanging out and trying to find things to do to pass the time.  Today is d-day, looks like it will come and go without any fanfare.  
So, since I know you are all planning your day around the announcement of our news, you'll just have to sit tight and try to go on about your day.


My Evil Side

Everyone knows I am an animal lover, not to the point of swearing off all animal products and eating meat (unless I have recently watched Babe), but a pretty big animal lover.  When neighbours talk about shooting the rabbits, squirrels and other backyard friends, so that they don't eat the plants, I don't join in the conversation.  
I will admit though when I see articles like this:

"Two hurt in first day of Spain bull running"

It sort of makes me smile.  No, I am not some sort of ill wisher on humans, but people...when you run with bulls you will get hurt.  It's the same with matadors.  I hate bull fighting with a passion.  Why it still goes on, is beyond me.  When I hear of a bull goring the matador I say, "good for the bull."  I have no sympathy whatsoever for people who play with deadly animals and get hurt.  Living with bears killed a man? Really?? He lived with bears people!  It's not a question of if, but when.  You keep a gorilla as a pet?  It ripped some one's face off?? It's a GORILLA!  Even when "domesticated" animals attack it still doesn't surprise me.  Granted for dogs, I really believe there is some sort of provocation or mistreatment somewhere along the line, in 98% of incidents, but there is always a chance with any sort of animal for the to attack.  It is a risk of being near an animal, having a pet, working with animals or even visiting them in the zoo.  
Yes it is sad when someone is hurt or killed, but in situations of bull fighting, running with bulls, playing with bears and lions and elephants (oh my!), are we really that surprised?

On a side note, I bought Mark the Cabela's Big Game Hunter last year for Christmas.  I know he likes to hunt, he knows I hate it, it was a compromise!  As I watched him play it one day, I was still a little bothered by the virtual killing until I saw him get demolished by a mountain lion.  I thought it was only fair that if he can try to kill the animals, the animals can kill him.  Hunting to me is a little funny actually.  Nothing like a man (or woman) decked out in camo, hiding behind a tree, waiting to sneak up on a poor, unsuspecting deer.  Takes a whole lot of know how to hide from a deer.  (I know, I know, Jared you will say there is more to it...it's still a game of hide and seek no matter what you say).  Hunting will never be explained in a positive light to me.  I will say I have no problem with hunting for those who must do it to support their family.  Yes, many people who hunt today will say they eat the meat....good for you.  Do you still have to hang the head in your living room?  And tell me why you shot the lion? Are you going to eat it?  Didn't think so.

Anyway, this wasn't meant to be about hunting, just my little rant about those who decide to play with big, strong, killer animals.  If you get hurt, it's your own fault.  I am sorry to your families, but maybe next time you shouldn't run with bulls, play with grizzly bears or hug lions.


A Little Pregnancy Fun

Since I have nothing much to say these days, and it seems the only thing people have to say to me is, "When are you due???"...why not make it fun?
If you care, are bored or just feel like trying to be smarter than the rest of us, wager a guess as to when this kid is coming.  My actual due date is July 13th, just in case you wondered.


Doctor Visit Friday

Well, another week, another appointment.
This time I was struck by complete awkwardness.  Given how close I am to the end, each visit entails a check to see how things are moving along.  Sitting upon the table, my Doctor and his nurse come in and we all begin a lovely conversation about the history of my hair and how it has changed since I first became a patient a few years ago.  His nurse commented on how she can't even remember me with long hair to which my Doctor replied, "didn't you have it in a bob-like style?"  None of us could remember, but we all continued to discuss the evolution of my hairstyles.  Not such a weird conversation in itself, but when you place it in a Doctor's office while one of the people is sitting on an exam table draped in a over sized paper towel...it becomes a little odd.
Am I impressed my Doctor is that observant? Comfortable in his line of work?  Polite to engage in small talk before a "check"?   Whatever the reason, it just struck me as funny, odd and a wee bit strange.
Not sure we'll have a next week appointment update...fingers crossed that we will but, I don't know.  I would love to be able to make it to next Saturday (10th), but if I can make it through this weekend...that is my short term goal.  So if anyone knows how to stave off labour from beginning, tips would be greatly appreciated.
And to anyone who may have to come to my house in the middle of the night to stay with T (fingers, toes, hairs and eyes crossed that that doesn't happen), I am truly sorry for the state you may find it in.  I have no desire to tidy, clean or do dishes.  We'll just make sure there is a clear path through the house so you don't trip and kill yourself. 
Until then!  We will let you know if, and when, anything happens (but please pray it doesn't happen this weekend or this coming week)!


Home Sweet Home

O Canada!
Happy Birthday!  I wish we could be together this year to enjoy the sweet Mountain Dew, the poutine, the smarties, the coffee crisp, the chocolate chip cookies from M&M meats, the ketchup chips, the halibut from Joeys....(maybe it's the GD talking).
I'll do my best to celebrate away from you this year.  I've got all the necessities for poutine tomorrow and even some Canada Dry (diet of course).  As hard as it may be, I will not dive into the two cases of imported Dew, the smarties or the coffee crisps that have now invaded my home.  Those must wait.  I'll wear my red t-shirt in your honour and will hum our song as I putter through the day.  I'll even go get my hair cut to make sure I am looking top notch for your birthday.
So, until next year when we will spend the day together, enjoy it for me.  Put on a spectacular fireworks show (which I know will happen since Kelly is in charge), have great weather and eat lots of great summer foods without me.
Have a fantastic 143rd Birthday!!  You don't look a day over 138!


Mental Wanderings

Apparently blogging is not on my to-do list these days.  Probably because no one cares to read about my daily struggle to cross things off said list.
Today however has been an especially productive day.  No sarcasm there.
Now that the room has been painted, the curtains were made today!! Just need some curtain rods put up so I can hang the curtains.  I am holding on to a slim slice of hope that we will get everything done by the end of the month (minus finishing the deck of course). 
No more insulting pregnancies remarks this week, but it still makes me shake my head every time I look in the mirror.  
It's a good thing summer TV is sucking big time or I would never get anything done.  I think we only have three regular shows set to tape all summer long...L&O Criminal Intent and SYTYCD (that one's for Mark! haha) and The Soup (the only way we know about most of the other shows on during the summer!)
On an exciting, non baby, non to-do list note, we are going to see Cirque du Soleil this weekend!!  I am excited.  The last shows we saw were Yo Gabba Gabba Live and Sesame Street.  Time for some non T-themed entertainment.  Hopefully I can sit through all of it without having too many bathroom breaks!
Looking forward to visiting with some old NYC friends this weekend too!  
Only three weeks (give or take a few days) of listening to (or reading) me complain about not eating peanut m&m's...I promise it will end soon.
Should complete and total hypnosis of a 2 year old by a certain children's show cause me concern??  How much do you let your two year old (or other kids) watch TV?  Every day? Half an hour? Hour? More? Does it depend on what's going on that day?  Never?  I don't want to hear if it's never.
Hopefully the rest of the week can be as productive as today, but I won't hold my breath.  Small steps, right?


Excuse Me?

It finally happened.
When I was pregnant with T, it was pretty uneventful.  Nothing major to complain about, pretty easy, no one harassed me with advice or tried to touch my belly.  Strangers didn't walk up to me and say crazy things if my kid wasn't properly dressed in heir minds or try to tell me how to calm a crying baby etc., etc.
This time around, the pregnancy's been pretty much the same, just more tired and sooner onset of GD.  Other than that, I won't complain because I know I have it pretty easy.
But tonight, while shopping in the card section of Target, a woman, probably in her late 40's maybe early 50's (I can never tell), came up to me and said, "Please tell me you're due tomorrow or that you're having triplets?"  I looked at her, completely speechless and finally managed to utter, "no, I have about a month left."  To me, I felt like I had the most horrified, appalled look on my face and that the woman would see she had been completely inappropriate in saying that, apologize and hurry on her way.  Nope, she just looked at me, in utter disbelief that I was not about to pop my kid out on the floor right then and there and concluded with, "Good luck to you."
I just stood there, still shocked and speechless and a little dumbfounded.  It's not like I was laying on the floor having contractions or that I was in the card aisle and my belly was in the main aisle.  I might be big, but I'm not THAT big lady!  How does a person, especially a woman, not realize how rude that is to say?  I mean you could just ask, "When are you due?" and then when it's further away than you thought, gasp when you leave my sight.  Nothing makes a girl feel better than having someone tell her she looks like she is about to pop out triplets.
And pride aside, here is a picture from T's birthday photo shoot...just she and I walking.  You tell me, do I look like I am about to have triplets??  Wait, on second thought, if you think so...don't tell me.


Does It Ever End?

So since LOST is over does that mean I have nothing left to say??  Hardly.  I just don't think my day to day life lately has given me any gems to share with the world.  Unless you want to hear about how many time I have heard the phrases, "I want a snack" and "I want a show."  Please don't ask, I can't count that high even if I tried. All that's been going on at the homestead is deck building (please, PLEASE, stop raining on the days the Mark is home to work so he can actually get this beast completed), room painting (actually progressing faster than the deck building), dresser painting (only begun today), and a plethora of other to do items in various stages of completion or non-starting.
Is it possible to hire someone to just come and vacuum and do dishes?  That would seriously help out a ton (any takers? Email me!)  Oh and of course someone to watch the soon to be two year old so the painting can be finished, the curtains sewn, the bed put together... Why hasn't one of my nieces volunteered to come down and be my slave, helper?  It's not like one of you is in school right now, and the other is about done.  Come on girls, you know you want to!!  No sales tax on clothes and shoes here....hmmmm, what do ya say??
Anyone have any super easy, quick, yummy freezer meals I can stock my freezer with?  Or anyone just want to bring me some already made I can just throw in my freezer?   Mom, you feel up to some meal making when you get here??  I guess we could just stock it with Lean Cuisines....?
Here's to hoping the week is filled with productiveness, but I don't hold up hope.  If the deck can just be done by Saturday so we can have the wee one's little birthday BBQ out there, that would be great.  And maybe if the Boy's room could be painted by the weekend too, that would be awesome.  Although if it means early mornings with no naps just so the child goes to bed early so I can paint... I'm not sure I will survive long enough to see the weekend.
There's life in a nutshell.  And don't ask if we've picked a name, because it's nowhere near the top of the to do list right now!!


One Last Time

It's over.  Six years and it all ended last night.  I know, I know, not another Lost post...but how could I let it end without saying good-bye?
It didn't go out with the same bang it came in with, but did we really think it could?  
While it still left the door open for questions and interpretations, I completely enjoyed the final installment.  It did leave me with a few musings, but nothing that makes me jump ship and say the last six years have been a waste of my time.  I will still say it is one of my favourite shows...probably my #1 favourite (but maybe it's because we got so much Desmond over the last few episodes!)
My only quip with the finale was the unnecessary making me cry over the dog.  We don't even know for sure what happens to the dog, but let the waterworks flow.  Just typing this makes me want to start crying again.  Death and dogs...combine the two...just give me a thousand boxes of Kleenex already!
Anyway, I won't go on and on about it, but I just had to have one more mention of Lost on here since come January/February 2011 I will go into withdrawal without a new season to get excited about.  Maybe I will have to re-watch every season so I can be in denial that the show is actually over.
Congratulations to Lost.  An excellent ending to a most excellent show.


When The Boss is Away...

this is what happens.
The saddest part is the broken, pink, sparkly M in the bottom left corner (I geuss the little silver, sparkly tiara and pink "PH" were never recovered).  It was hidden amongst a sea of "W"'s in the Planet Hollywood gift store in Vegas.  The one little trinket I, for whatever reason, needed to be sure to purchase.  I guess it's more important that the key was found, but I loved my little "M".


Is this Really Necessary?

I may have already gone off on a tangent about this during the life of this blog, but I'm far too lazy to go back and find out.  So, if I have and you remember it, go ahead and skip reading this.
T and I were out running around this afternoon looking for dresser knobs (exciting, I know), I was flipping radio stations when I heard the beginning strains of Forever Young.  I love this song.  I've listened to it forever.
and so here is the  point of my rant.  I hate remixes and remakes.  The Alphaville song I thought I stumbled upon was a remix AND a remake.  I have no idea who did it or why, but I was not amused.  Not only had it been made into some sort of a dance tune, there was some sort of rapping in the middle of it.
I don't know why songs need to be remade.  I know people have songs they grew up listening to and think that just because they are an "artist" they can remake the song, make it their own and call it an homage or a tribute or whatever.  But how many remakes are actually better than the original?? In my books, one.
Ok, now I don't know every remake made and maybe a song I love is actually a remake I don't know about, but for right now I claim only one remake as being better.  Maybe it's because I don't care for the original artist...I don't know, I'm not a huge fan of the remake artist either, and why I like the song in general is beyond me, but I do.  It's Suspicious Minds by Dwight Yokam.  I know, SHOCK!  Everyone knows I hate country music, but for some reason beyond me I enjoy this song by him.  I don't like the Elvis original, but let Dwight put his twist on it and voila!
Some of the worst remakes I've heard:

  • Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts...ugh it makes me vomit a little in my mouth every time I hear it.  Tom Cochran's original is a million bazillion gajillion times better.  Don't fight me on this, it just is.
  • American Woman by Lenny Kravitz...just listen to the Guess Who
  • Come on Eileen by Save Ferris.  Why on earth would anyone need to remake this??
  • Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson.  Really, you think you can top the Eurythmics?? I think not.
  • American Pie by Madonna.
  • I'm a Believer by Smash Mouth
  • Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows
Plus a plethora of more, but those are just some that make me hurry and turn the channel!  I know I have left some good ones off my list and there are some remakes I like, not as much as the original though and like I said I probably love some songs not even knowing they are remakes.  I do love the New Order remake of Blue Monday, but it was a remake of their own song....so does that even count?
So what remakes do you hate/love?


Waiting Room

Today was my monthly Doctor's appointment.  I know, you all wanted to know that, you're welcome.
Anyway.  I thought about a few things while I was there and thought I would share them with you.  You're welcome again.

  1. What is it about that paper sheet?  Why does it give so much security?  Do you not realize what it going to happen next?  You would think given what is about to happen, that sitting there without the see-through paper sheet wouldn't make a huge difference...but for whatever reason, it does.
  2. Who is more uncomfortable, the patient on the "table" or the nurse that just gets to stand by and witness the exam?  Should a conversation be started or does that make it even more awkward?  It's a wee bit more awkward when it's not your Doctor's regular nurse, but really...you know they've got to love that part of the job...exam witnesser!
  3. Why does anyone really care if Kate Gosselin is on another reality TV show? (People was the only magazine in the room).
  4. The weigh-in is probably the worst part of the exam.  Seriously.
  5. Getting a shot in the butt is the most awkward thing.  Even more than being the exam witnesser.  It's awesome having your pants pulled down around your butt, half leaning over a table.
  6. Looking forward to bi-weekly exams now...they're coming.  That means the end is nearing.
  7. I don't care what Mark says, Mr. Roboto is truly an awesome song and I will love it until the day I die.


Hungry Hungry Hippos

Wow.  With everyone posting pictures of their pregnant bellies, I am beginning to feel the pressure.  I am not usually one to cave into peer pressure, but this time I feel I need to - if only to show the others that they are indeed not huge!  I guess the second time around, you just don't feel like documenting it like you did the first time.  Not that I was a picture by the week sort of girl, but we did have a few pictures for evidence that I really was pregnant.  This time, the last thing I want is a picture of me pregnant.  And given that by the time Mark gets home from work, there is a good chance I am either still in, or changed into, pj pants...there are not a lot of picture taking opportunities!
But I will take one for the team...take a picture and post it up here for all the world to see.  Too bad I can't do a belly side by side with Mark this time around since he has no belly to speak of anymore. (Who goes on a diet with a pregnant wife anyway??)
So since I am actually dressed and presentable on Sundays I thought today would be the perfect day.  I never ask Mark to take my picture (I am not such a willing participant) but I figured it would be best to get it over with.  I hate pictures.  I always feel so posed, cheesy and fake.  But oh well.  I'll swallow my pride and post pictures to assure the world that yes, hippopotamuses do live on land.

Tennyson's attempt at a picture of me this morning

More of a close up so anyone who is interested can check out the new 'do

Not sure if a dress makes you look smaller or bigger...

not that it really matters
This one's just funny because Mark took the picture after I started to move my hands from the "look how big my belly looks when I hold my dress" pose, but instead it just looks like I have to pee...which is probably true anyway.
So there you have it, pregnancy in all of it's glory.  Now the Boy will know I was pregnant with him and won't hate me entirely for not taking as many pictures (not that we actually took a lot with T either).  We'll try to make up for it once he arrives.


New Kiddie Blog

So I started a new blog...one just for the kiddies instead of trying to keep separate ones for each kid.  As was T's, this one is private too....if you'd like an invite let me know.  If you had an invite to T's, you should have already been sent a new invite to the new one.  If you never had an invite to T's (sorry) let me know and I can send you one to each.  If you like keeping up to date with T's ongoings, I'll be posting to the new one now, so don't miss out!! :o)  If you don't want an invite, that's fine too, if I sent one to you already and you don't want it, don't accept.  I promise it won't hurt my feelings...too much anyway.  I know all of you want to know the day to day of life at home with my child(ren).  Or at least want to know when this boy makes his debut...right????
So if you didn't get an invite and want one, just leave me a comment or email me and I will send one out to you!


What To-Do?

I began a to-do list the other day. I know, not very exciting or cutting edge, but I figured it might help us get some things done before the last minute (I won't hold my breath for that happening, but I can try, right?). This list includes everything from grocery shopping, to bill paying, to deck building, to painting the boy's room, to whatever random thing enters my mind that day that needs to be done. I'm not sure an ongoing to-do list is the way to go. So far the list has gotten longer and only two things have been accomplished (a bill pay and a phone call).
I thought having this to-do list would help me actually make some decisions for the child...no such luck. For whatever reason I can not decide on paint colours or cribbing and I have no motivation to have the inevitable fight over what name will be chosen.
It doesn't help when bedding sets for infants cost anywhere up to $2000 (what???), I have no inspiration this time around, no one fabric to base colours on and no help with painting and sewing. This kid won't mind sleeping in a laundry basket in our room, will he? If I could only make one of those decisions, like what colour to paint the room, at least I would be able to narrow the bedding search down, or vice versa, but I can't!! I did see one set I liked but it was almost $200 and I am not sure I can justify spending that much when I don't even spend that much on bedding for me! And let's not get started on prices of kids shoes...seriously??
So after all my hopes of being organized on and top of things over the next few months, this to-do list creating has only made me more overwhelmed. I might need some reinforcements.
Anyone who knows any stores or websites with cute, not so baby like, bedding options that won't send me into debt, please share!


Life Bulleted

  • Las Vegas is not for a pregnant lady with gestational diabetes
  • Life will go smoothly until you return home; then child reverts to poor sleeping habits and crankiness
  • Mini eggs are even more tempting after Easter, when they are on sale and a diabetic no-no; so are creme eggs
  • Apparently corona (or any other alcohol) is an acceptable form of breakfast in Las Vegas
  • Preparing for the vacation always takes longer than adjusting back to regular life
  • Even though it feels like your belly can not get any bigger... it always finds a way to surprise you, making you feel even more hippo-tastic
  • Three days of 80 degree weather have quenched any desire for a warm summer. Please keep it to the 70's and everyone around me will be better off
  • Outlet shopping is never as fun when you are pregnant
  • May 23 can't come soon enough, yet at the same time I don't want it to ever come
  • Hiring a personal grocery shopper might not be a bad idea
  • Chocolate cheerios and fresh raspberries are awesome for breakfast or any time of day
  • GD I rue the fact that I must live with you and not enjoy chocolate milk, ice cream, key lime pie and all other forms of sugary goodness (chocolate cheerios and raspberries included)


Sugar Sugar

Why do you always get bad news right before good times?
When I think of Easter (non-religious thoughts), I think of Cadbury creme eggs, mini eggs, jelly beans, solid chocolate eggs...
When I think of a girls weekend in Las Vegas, I think of buffets, ice cream, over indulgent dinners, snacks right before bed...
When I think of gestational diabetes, I think of crackers, cheese, grapes, skim milk, water, peanut butter and toast...
Which one of these sounds most appealing? It doesn't matter if the third option is now reality. I knew it was coming, I guess I was just holding on to that little glimmer of hope that I would survive this pregnancy without becoming best friends with medication and proper diet. I'm pregnant, I should be able to eat ice cream, candy and pizza whenever I want, right? Guess not. Not the first time, not this time, and if there is ever another pregnancy, I doubt it will be that time either. Sometimes I try to look for the light at the end of the tunnel. With GD, I keep telling myself that last time I lost 8+ pounds in my last trimester and maybe it will happen again this time. I also found that if I was a good girl with my meals during the day I could have a snack here and there. Good thing there are some good snacking moments in my upcoming future, and good thing I'll have meds to help me manage those moments!
So for those of you who might be around me during these moments, try not to wave the key lime pie, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate milk, or Easter candy too close to my face...I would greatly appreciate it! I'll be the one sitting in the back eating my crackers and grapes.


Does This Hair Make Me Look...

How do you decide on a new hair do? I've decided the mullet has been growing untamed for far too long now and it needs to be domesticated. What to do with it is the question of the day.
You know when you find that perfect picture that encompasses everything you want in a hairstyle, take it to your stylist with such excitement and anticipation, and then when it's over and you get home you realize that, for whatever reason, you now look like an 8 year old boy? (No? Maybe it's just me).
I have come to the conclusion that I just can't pull off the long hair anymore. As easy as it is, and as much as I see it being flaunted all around me, I just can't do it without it looking like I am being drowned. My hair just isn't cut out for the long, luxurious life like it was in high school. I am resigned to knowing that a life of shorter hair styles lays ahead. And that's fine, there are some great 'do's out there, I just need to find one that works for me (that is the hard part). It seems I am in for the long haul of trial and error haircuts. If there was only a way to do this without having to live through the dreaded "growing out" period. That's when the mullet comes back and sadly it usually stays longer than it is welcome.
So here I sit, appointment made, webpages searched, hair magazine pages dog eared...but no decision made. The only thing I am sure of is that when I come home, the husband will tell me it's "cute"...in that 12 year old girl kind of way.
Maybe if I wasn't so lazy, I would take on a more adventurous style or something that requires more than 3 minutes with a flat iron. But with the impending arrival this summer, the only thing I hear calling my name is a ponytail, and that is just not going to happen. Maybe I should go the wind blowing on my scalp route and buzz it off to see how it all grows in again? Ok, no that will never happen and not only because I am afraid I have a huge flat spot on the back of my scalp.... although it would be super easy to manage.
Seven days...that's what I have left until decision time. More than likely I will walk in, sit in my stylist's chair, sigh and tell her I have no idea. Then I will walk out feeling one of three ways; 1) like an 8 year old boy, 2) a 12 year old girl who is so excited to be going to the mall without her parents for the first time, or 3) like a 50 year old mom (no offense to 50 year old moms out there!). I'm going to guess option #2 would be the best of the above choices...but still, not quite my goal. I guess we will see a week from now...fingers crossed.



This past weekend we took the wee one to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live. The show itself is a post on it's own, but until then...here is today's rant.
Ticket prices for this event ranged from quite reasonable to I don't think so. We decided to go with the reasonable $17 tickets since she won't remember this show, she isn't even 2, and I didn't want to pay $99 to see YGG.
Anyway, so for a live show, it was $51 for three tickets. Not bad in my books, especially for a once a year type outing.
Thanks to Ticketmaster however...your final price is never the ticket price.
Here's a breakdown (why they send you a receipt with the actual breakdown is beyond me, since it makes me never want to purchase a ticket from them again):
- total face value $51
- facility charge $6
- subtotal $57
- "convenience" charge $18.75 (I added the quotation marks)
- convenience charge tax $1.47
- order processing $6.08
- total charge $83.30
Yes, there were almost as many fees as the total ticket charge. And why is it a convenience charge? It's not convenient to me. Perhaps if they only charged it for online purchases, but seeing as they charge you even if you buy your tickets at the actual box office, it's definitely not a convenience! OK, I get that it's only a convenience charge for Ticketmaster, so why not call it something else then, like "I can charge as high of, and as many, fees as I want because this is the only place you can buy these tickets" fees. Sounds a little more truthful to me, and people would still buy the tickets, because they are right - they are the only place I can buy tickets.
Thankfully they had some American Express deal in place, so I was able to use our rewards points to pay for half (which basically paid for the fees) of the price, so it wasn't too much out of the wallet.
It was all worth it, but when I got the receipt in the mail it just made me laugh and shake my head a little. Oh well. I am sure next time YGG rolls through town we will do it all again, convenience fees or not!


Lost Boys

I think Corey Haim was one of the first posters ever to grace my walls, growing up. I can't even count how many I had, but there were a lot. Sure there were a couple Kirk Cameron ones along with a few other 80's teen hunks, but there were always more Haim posters than anyone else.
Lost Boys was, and is, one of my favourite movies. Classic 80's. I was a Team Haim from the beginning, none of this Corey Feldman stuff for me. Lost Boys, Dream a Little Dream, Lucas, Silver Bullet...such memories.
Am I too old to hang up one of those posters now? Not that I have any left over...
(and yes, this picture is one of the posters I used to hang on my wall).


Boy OH Boy

I realized a few things this weekend.
Maternity clothes suck. There are too many people at the Mall of America. Burger King does not satisfy. And boy clothes suck all the life out of me.
We ventured down to the MOA with the hopes of finding some clothes for me that I can squeeze myself into, a few little things for T, and some great starter pieces for the boy (yes, we are having a boy if you hadn't heard). The MOA has a few stores that are not in any other mall in the MN area, so my hopes were high for what I might find. We spent a good 4-5 hours at the mall (it's impossible to spend less when you are actually shopping and not just roaming around) and came home with 3 things boy, and all it is are onesies, a pair of pj's and a t-shirt. So disappointing. I kept drifting over to the girls clothes and Mark had to keep reeling me back over to the boy side. It's pretty safe to say that this boy will not have anything close to the amount of clothes his sister had, has and will have. Which Mark is probably excited about! Luckily we have a few months to search and scour before winding up with a small baby clad only in diapers due to a lack of clothing. Girl clothes on the other hand....oh my! It's probably best we're not having another girl or soon this house would be flooded with clothes. Why the discrepancy between boy and girl clothes, clothes-makers?? I know boys don't wear dresses, but there must be something other than trucks and animals that make boys clothes boyish, right?
Now, maternity clothes. It's either $20 for a t-shirt or $550 for leather leggings. Is there nothing in between? Of course there is, but I can't find it, and I can't justify $100 on a dress or a shirt I will wear only for a few months. Since I'm not working I don't have to worry about work wear, which is nice, but I would still like to have some somewhat stylish clothes, not just sweats and a tank top! If that was the case, I would just wear my pj pants and Mark's t-shirts outside instead of just around the house!
So if anyone has any tips on places to buy cool boy clothes and nice maternity clothes that don't cost an arm and a leg, would you mind sharing your finds with me? Otherwise this boy will be naked AND nameless!! (The name issue is a post all on it's own).


Gold in High Def

Extra proud to be Canadian today.


Thoughts on a Tuesday Night

Here I sit wishing I had picture in picture in picture in picture. Or at a least a DVR capable of taping 3 shows while I watch a fourth. Man did we pick the wrong time to take the second DVR back.
So I can no longer watch the Canada-Germany qualification game. Thankfully Canada was up 4-1 when the DVR kicked on it's second taping, making me miss the third period. And I can always check the score online since NBC deems it necessary to relegate all hockey games of the Olympics to MSNBC or CNBC. Really NBC? Come on.
Speaking of Olympics, I also had to miss watching the women's skicross. Man is that sport insane. What is lacking in your life to make you choose this as your sport? I don't know, but I hope I never find out. To top it off Canada won the gold and I didn't get to see it!!
It's all worth it though since Lost is taping and we all know my obsession with Lost.
However, spending my time watching American Idol whilst waiting for Mark to maybe be home in time to watch Lost has brought some thoughts to my mind. Will you let me share them with you?
1) Leggings and all forms of the "pant" - I'm talking to you jeggings - need to die, and do it quickly and quietly.
2) Didn't we already have a rebirth of 80's fashion a few years ago? Were the contestants not told about this? Or are they hoping to somehow keep it alive? While I am a larger than life fan of 80's music, the fashion should never be reproduced.
3) Idol should NEVER be watched live.
4) Once Idol hits the voting stage, why are there judges? It's not like they make a difference anyway. Unless they give them that judges save card again this season.
5) Randy should really be the judge that gets replaced. I'm not sure his comments contain enough nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc., to make up a proper, understandable sentence.
6) Kara reminds me of my friend and that's all I can think about when I see her.
7) Why people insist on singing songs by "Divas" and legends is beyond me. If you were as good as Whitney, Mariah, Madonna, Heart...would you be on Idol?
and lastly (and having absolutely nothing to do with Idol or Fox);
8) INXS is still my all-time favourite band. I don't listen to a lot of music these days and when I do, it's usually in the car for a short period of time. Lately I have come across a lot of INXS being played and it just reminds me of how good they were and how good they still are (minus lead singer issues). People might want to label them as an 80's band because that's when they had their big success, but take a listen. Those songs are timeless. It could be released today and would still be a hit. The two INXS concerts I saw while Michael Hutchence was alive were amazing. Anyway, if you're not too familiar with INXS, do yourself a favour and check out some of their songs, videos, concert footage...you won't be disappointed. For those of you who are familiar with them, do yourself a favour and revisit some songs. They just make you feel good!


Toe Tapping

When does the reality of pregnancy really set in? After the positive test result? After an ultrasound? Morning sickness? Holding a baby in your arms?
For me...it's saying good bye to my toes. I'll miss all ten of you little guys. Take care, soon you'll be on your own for a little while. Hopefully it won't be too long until we are reunited, but until then, don't count on looking pretty or being well looked after. I'm sorry if you feel smothered come summer since you probably won't be playing peek-a-boo with the outside world. I promise to wear the cutest non peep toe shoes I can find. Maybe if we're lucky we can get a certain someone to pretty you up one day, but I'm not sure you'll let any one touch you long enough for a makeover. We don't want to chance giving someone a concussion for touching you, but it is highly likely that will happen, so please don't be mad at me for neglecting you. We'll glam it up in a few months, I promise.


Blah Blah Blah

How is it that a post from a day ago is already in my nerves? Yet nothing has happened in the last 24 hours to make me want to blog, but I need to because I hate the previous post. Some times you have something you want to say, but it ends up coming out nothing like it sounded in your head. How does that happen? I've always thought I should take a class on how to transition my brain thoughts into public thoughts. But then again, I think I talk too much already, so it's probably not a good idea.
I think February is the blah month. We should change the name to Feblahary. I am a person who doesn't mind winter...but I think this year I am feeling the pull of warmer places. Not that a warm, tropical vacation, or a move to a warmer climate is in store....I just find myself daydreaming on kayak a lot more than usual. As soon as June rolls around I will be hating summer (I know it doesn't get THAT hot in MN, but 80 is my limit folks) and wishing for fall. It's just an evil cycle. I could never pull off a move to Florida or Texas or anywhere much more south than Chicago (and I don't want to live in Chicago) which sort of limits us. Mark would much rather live in the heat but he would much rather not have me whine and complain about the heat every day! Although if you asked him today, he'd probably disagree. Not that we're moving in the near future or anything. The way I see it, winter is on it's way out and spring should be here...by June at the latest. And those 2-3 months of spring/summer are great! :o)
The blahs make me want to do less than I normally do...coming up with a dinner idea is hurting my brain tonight. I can't even ponder what we will do tomorrow, that's just too much pressure! What do you do when you have the blahs? Is there a quick cure that doesn't involve a trip to the south of France? Or is that what I am going to have to do...because if it is, I'll make that sacrifice.


Thank You For Being a Friend!

As I perused the blog of some friends today a question came to mind. How many people are still friends with their elementary, junior high, high school, and/or university friends? And not just Facebook friends, but real, in-touch, email/call/mail/visit friends.
Does it make a difference how long ago high school was or where you're living now?
Of all your current friends (ones you still regularly keep in touch with, not someone you friended because you remember them from grade 3), how long have you been friends? What do you do to go that extra mile to keep in touch?


Say It Ain't So

While all of the news seems to be focused on the Saints winning the Super Bowl (good for you Saints!)...this is what caught my eye.

Howard Stern Confirms 'Idol' Talks

Howard Stern told his satellite radio listeners on Monday that he is considering leaving Sirius -- and radio altogether -- to become a judge on "American Idol."
Stern confirmed a report that Fox is interested in hiring the Sirius shock jock to replace Simon Cowell on the reality show.

(full article at www.msn.com)

If this happens...I will stop watching Idol. I know, I know, who cares it's American Idol? But it's a fun show and they do have some talented people sometimes, even if it is frustrating when people remain on the show longer than they should because they are cute or have a sad backstory. Regardless, I like Idol and I hate Howard Stern. Granted, I have never met the man, so I hate the Howard Stern I have been presented with (maybe he is a lovely man in person, but I am okay with never meeting him). Do they really think he would be the best choice to replace Simon? You will never replace Simon of course, but couldn't they at least try to find someone a little more appealing to the public? Some one with a little bit of experience in the music business, whether it be they are a singer/musician or they sign acts, write songs, etc.? Sure Ellen Degeneres isn't in the biz, but she does love music and she has said she will be more of a people's voice than a music critic. But when you take the one person who has signed huge acts, written hit songs, and has major credit in the business and replace him with Stern?? That makes no sense other than they want someone with an acerbic tongue.

Anyway...just my thoughts for a Monday morning.
On a positive note, I am excited for the start of the Olympics this Friday!! T and I have our sweatshirts all ready to break out and wear and root for the home team!! Even though she kind of has two home teams...I won't let her know that until she's older! Until then Go Canada!!


Curtain Call

As I sat watching LOST last night, alone...I realized that I was very glad no one could see into my living room! Usually Markus is home and we watch it together but he was on the other side of the country, so it was just me, myself and I to marvel in the headache-inducing insanity. And boy oh boy was it headache-inducing. I have a tendency to get a little violent when watching Lost. Just ask Mark's arms and legs. I become slap happy. If I figure something out, or some crazy revelation is made, I slap him. He usually sits a seat cushion or two away from me to lessen the bruising. I am sure he was more than happy to watch the show in peace and quiet last night!
Sadly, I realized how much of an oddity I am last night. has anyone seen the Brendan Fraser clip from the Golden Globes a few weeks ago? See it here, if you haven't. I think I did that at one point during the first hour. Come the second hour, I gave up all pride and found myself sitting on the floor watching the rest of the show after having jumped up and clapped over some other piece of juiciness. While I sat there I realized how odd it was for me to be on the floor, but I just didn't care. For some reason, standing up when faced with such awesome revelations, made it that much more awesome for me. Sitting on the floor just made the whole thing even more edge of my seat.
Now the world knows my secret. I am an even larger nerd than you may have previously thought. Thankfully Mark has put up with me and my Lost antics for the past 5 seasons, hopefully this season I don't flat out punch him in the face during the finale.
So if you ever find yourself walking by my house Tuesday nights at 8:00...please don't peek in my windows!


English 101

So I guess no one is enjoying my attempt at reliving my days of fluency in French as much as I am. Someday I will be fluent again! Not that there is a great need for French in Minnesota, but that's irrelevant.
Alright kids, for those of you who don't speak French, or don't look at the labels posted under the blog entry, this is for you!!
This July, little Tennyson 2.0 will be making his/her appearance. Sadly, my appearance will probably not return to normal for many, many, many months afterward. Here's to months of peanut M&M's, chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookies. Who am I kidding, it's only a matter of weeks until the gestational diabetes rears its ugly head. But until then...who wants to bring me some key lime pie??