
Thank You For Being a Friend!

As I perused the blog of some friends today a question came to mind. How many people are still friends with their elementary, junior high, high school, and/or university friends? And not just Facebook friends, but real, in-touch, email/call/mail/visit friends.
Does it make a difference how long ago high school was or where you're living now?
Of all your current friends (ones you still regularly keep in touch with, not someone you friended because you remember them from grade 3), how long have you been friends? What do you do to go that extra mile to keep in touch?


Grandma Smith said...

I have a great friend from High School that I stay in contact almost weekly some times daily. We do a lot of things together. I have been very blessed to have her move into our awesome neighborhood. We don't spend as much time together as we would like, but she is still my best friend. That would be Janine Clifford.

Mindi said...

Some of my very best friends are those I made in college. Although Life has lessened our contact throughout the year, Christmas is always a great time to reconnect.

I think friends from NYC are a close second in the "good friend" category. Funny enough, we usually stay in better contact once they have moved away than we did when we could easily SEE each other. It's been fun though, getting to know and becoming even better friends through email communication (and blogs). ;)