So I have joined the ranks of the baby blog, sort of... we have created a new blog for all things Tennyson related. I am going to jump on the bandwagon and keep it limited to those we know however...so if you'd like to be a witness to Mark's parenting skills, leave a comment with your email and we will make sure you get a front row seat to watch our little T grow up to realize her parents are great, big nerds.
Yes Mom and Dad that means you will have to leave a comment or I won't add you to the invited bloggers and you'll never get to see pictures of your granddaughter!! mwah hahaha!
**Just to calm fears of Mark and I abandoning our random rants and offenses - this blog will keep going strong; it will just be T's blog that we have private**
Count me in. Mostly so I can get up to date parenting tips from Mark... jmlind@gmail.com
(this doesn't mean you're going to stop blogging here does it?)
I'm all over this blog for Little Miss. Tennyson. I can't wait to see the pictures and get the updates. I'm sure Mark's parenting skills will be great! After all he did have a great example. Love you all
Oh, sign me up :)
Add me too, please! Thanks! BECCA
Count me in. I prefer keeping my e-mail private over seeing baby pictures, but you know what it is.
Sign me up! You know my email also:)
I Love being private!! Way to go!! Add me in to the club!!
Great idea! :) Let me know if you need my email address... I think you have it though.
sign me up! erinperry@gmail.com
Count me in too! You know how to find me!
Count us in! We need to see pics of that little cutie! Thanks again for letting us crash at your place the other night! You guys are awesome!
Count me in! Thanks.
Whoops, I guess I should follow your directions...
sign me up please, I am pretty sure you have my e-mail too!
We would love to see all of your adorable baby things!
I feel the same way about posting me email address as many others, but I do want to be part of hte baby blog.
I want to keep tabs on you guys - nicole.jackson@gmail.com
yes please. emilywalldownen@yahoo.com
I want in! Add me please.
me too! although the whole private thing is a huge pain...I've given up on it.
So - are you starting a different one for T and keeping this one open?
I will need to be able to check out recent baby pics of little Tennyson. jen.s.richards@gmail.com. Hope mother hood is going well!
please include the Mackays...suzi.mackay at gmail.com.
T is adorable!
Hey Melanie - hope it's okay that I peek at your blog sometimes! I'd love to keep up on your cute little baby. laurelhwalker at gmail.com
Add me please! kyndrapeterson@gmail.com
Hi Melanie and Mark'
I would so love to be able to see little Tennyson's blog. I don't have a blog either so i'm not sure how that would work... thanks.
Michele Christmas
Well Melanie and Mark, as Tennyson Rose's grandma (and partial namesake!!) I would hope to be able to see pictures of her - sheesh - just because I don't have a blog doesn't mean I don't read other peoples (just yours actually). So yes, I will read Tennyson's and probably yours too!
Love you, you know my email address.
count me in also: alisha.higa@gmail.com
Add us to the list! We can't wait for more fun pics of T... ellyfryer@yahoo.com
let me in ... jmullen12@yahoo.com ... little T is adorable :")
sure, sign me up. benandshellys@juno.com
K. I totally missed the boat on this one. Can you still sign me up? I would love to see little Tennyson - love the name, btw. She is beautiful. And I'm so happy to hear all is going well.
Hey! Me too! amandaclindsay@mac.com
Ok, so obviously I don't know how to leave a comment! I thought I did this, but I must not have done it right!
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