So over the past week, I have decided two things; 1) I really should have been on Vh1's World Series of Pop Culture. Seriously. My brain is full of all of the needed information for this show. I don't know how some of the teams who are participating this year made it on. Granted, there are some good players, but really.. put me, Mark and Dawnell on a team, and we would take them all down.
#2) I Love Pat Kiernan. And no, not just because he is Canadian. He really has got to be one of the funniest hosts on TV these days. Ok, so he is really a newsanchor on New York City's Channel 1, but for the past two years he has hosted the WSOPC, and he is great.
Nothing is as funny as the whitest, driest, newsanchor on tv reading lyrics from songs about butts (you had to see it). He cracks me up and makes the show so funny!! The show just would not be the same without him on it, not one little bit! He is also a very good newsanchor. If you don't live in the NYC area, you may have seen him in Night at the Museum, as himself, doing the news on Channel 1. He has also played himself on Spin Cit and in the Interpreter.

While I was not able to be a contestant on the show, we did score some tickets to two nights of tapings.... but don't get me started on that again. I got robbed of proving my pop culture prowess AND seeing (maybe even drooling on) Pat Kiernan!! I guess it will have to wait for another time.
Although this past weekend, Mark and I stopped by a place called Dave and Busters (or what I like to call Chuck E Cheese's for adults). The food stunk, but Mark wanted to play games. So after a slightly below-average dinner, we went to look at the games, and of course Mark was determined to play. So he hit some animal killing video game and then decided we needed to play the trivia game. It was all full so we had to hang out and watch. Four people had been there for quite some time and were obviously loving it, continuing to win all of the tickets! One seat opened up and I let Mark jump in. After one round another chair opened up, so I joined in. After two rounds, the four people who had initially been there decided this 3rd round would be their last. Mark is positive they left because of me, but I think anyone can answer 5 random trivia questions in about 2.5 seconds and get them all right, right? Ok, so I toot my own horn on that one... but I did also end up last in one of the rounds, but some of the history questi
ons have me at a disadvantage since we don't learn a lot of US history in Canada! But we made out all right, won a few rounds and we won enough tickets to cash in for a food chopper AND a stuffed Cookie Monster! There isn't a whole lot of choice in the "prize room", basically stuffed animals, candy, random Dave and Busters paraphernalia (t-shirts, cups, hats), so there wasn't a lot to choose from, and who doesn't need a stuffed Cookie Monster anyway??

So I guess I wil have to wait for my chance to prove my trivia genuis (of useless information anyway) to the world, and more sadly, I will have to wait for Pat.
We could always use a stuffed cookie monster. Who couldn't?
Mel- hey! How is MN? It sounds like you are just loving it. We have been in LV since June and are having a great time. Sadly, I do not miss NYC at all! You need to e-mail me your new address. Take care!
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