
Growing Pains

In keeping with my previous post showcasing some of the best of school year hairstyles, I am forewarning those who know me to get ready for some more awesomeness. I am growing out my hair and I can only imagine what is to come. I am hoping to avoid anything close to a mullet, but it can't be promised. Should that occur, please refrain from laughing in my face and try to keep the double looks to a minimum. Hopefully this process won't take too long or be too painful... I won't be growing it to the lengths of Rapunzel, like a certain three year old thinks she wants to do, but the short 'do has run it's course and it's time to attempt something new. Of course, knowing me, I will get it grown out, enjoy it for 8-10 weeks and then just chop it off again, but...it's hair, it grows, I cut it, it grows, I cut it.
Any one with any tips or ideas for living with "growing out" hair, let me know. I don't think I want to live in a hat or a headscarf for the nex 6 months!!

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