Maybe it's the warm weather, Carlin's death, the fact that everything has been so good for me lately, or maybe the six week rule, but today I've noticed lots of little things that annoy me. In no particular order, here are some things that I hate.
Punks, Al Sharpton, dingleberries, Rachel Ray, hiccups, hearing about your kids, popped collars, loud talkers, cute text spellings, cats, beginning a sentence with "basically", bluetooth headsets, Tim Treadwell, carbon credits, Crocs, "supposably", cat owners, ADD, snot, Mac commercials, Fergie, genocide, rolled up jeans, cigarettes, people who buy lottery tickets, Oprah, jazz music, suspenders and belts together, New Jersey, old wives tales, Mormon Folklore, Grey’s Anatomy, L Ron Hubbard and his followers, gum on my shoes, Liberals, midget's fingers, paying for haircuts, sad drunks, Eva Longoria, people who don't hit clear on the office microwave after using it, paparazzi, the DH, Madonna, pushy old Asian ladies, Jesse Jackson, fat people sitting next to me, dancing shows, panhandling/performing/protesting at Ground Zero, close talkers, low rise pants, Jim Belushi, people from Ohio, child molesters, male flight attendants, douchbags, tattoos, cancer, home makeover shows, real estate agents, untalented singers, vegans, mosquitoes, bad grammar, Deal or No Deal contestants, Dane Cook, buzzwords, not keeping score in little league, Woody Allen, coddling your children, irrational fear, slow drivers in the left lane, Kobe Bryant, hippies, unions, short sleeved dress shirts, Katherine Heigl, smug people, crying, celebrities views on politics, Taco Bell commercials, environmentalists, clowns, soccer players, Al Gore, MTV, rappers, poachers, Tila Tequila, spotted owls, private blogs, the Beatles, MySpace, Hipsters, greeting cards, slow walkers, modern art, political correctness, people with a Q in their name, The Pussycat Dolls, people who talk in movie theaters, ring tones, company web sites without listed prices, organic food, no free refills, low flow toilets, hangnails, Donald Trump, buying DVD’s (when was the last time anyone watched a dvd they own?), High School Musical, Gwyneth Paltrow, pineapple, 1-ply toilet paper, awkward elevator conversations with strangers, date gut, people who are rude to waiters/airport staff/janitors/etc., societies atrophying morals due to media such as Sex and the City and Entertainment Tonight, feminists, using the word “like” when it isn’t necessary, urine on bathroom floors, Tom Brady’s perfect life, “Vote or Die”, and countless others, but most of all I hate people who complain excessively.