I am about to share with you something that may knock the wind right out of you.
You might want to sit down before you read any further. Mind you, if you're reading this, it means you're at a computer, which probably means you're already sitting down....so I guess we're covered!!
Ok, here it goes, deep breath... ready?
I miss New York City.
Phew! It feels a little better to finally get that out in the open.
Now let me follow that up with the WHY part of N.Y.C.
The holidays are quickly approaching which means the Rocket
tes have already begun performing their Christmas Spectacular. I LOVE this show! I went the past two years and wanted to go (SO BAD!) this year!!! It's the 75th anniversary show - it's an EVEN BIGGER Christmas Spectacular - how can I miss it?!!! We had planned on coming out for a visit, pretty much so I could see the show, but it just didn't work out. Instead Mark gets to fulfill his wish list and go to NASCAR in Florida. Now don't get me wrong, I am excited to take our cruise that follows, but every time I see an ad for the Rockettes, or someone we know in NYC blogs that they went and saw the show, my heart whimpers.
Christmas was the only time that, if someone asked me if I liked living in NYC, I would respond with a yes. Nothing against NYC (okay maybe a few things), but it just wasn't my city long-term. I can see why people would love it - I just don't fall under that category (and no it's not because I am from some small, isolated town in the tundra covered arctic of Canada and can't handle the big city!).
I didn't mind the crowds quite as much, or the people pushing everywhere you went. I loved to stand at Rockefeller Center and stare at the light shows on Saks forever. Carol of the Bells is my favourite Christmas song, and it just puts me in the Christmas mood. I loved walking to the subway on my way home from work and be standing on the corner of 48th and 5th when the music would start and the lights would come on. I would cross the street, and move off to the side, just to watch the show for a few minutes before heading home. I loved looking at the window displays in Bloomies, Macy's, Saks, and all the other department stores. Seeing the tree all lit up
at Rockefeller as I walked to and from work always provided some Christmas joy - even melting away the hatred I felt for the lack of sidewalk etiquette that New Yorkers possess. Even the Thanksgiving Day parade got me an itsy bitsy bit excited, mainly because it meant there was only about a month until Christmas. When the first snow fell, and I would walk out of my apartment and see all of the trees and grass covered in front of our building - for a split second NYC actually looked clean!! The vendors in their booths at Bryant Park and Union Square....I never bought anything, but we would always go walk around and "window shop", even if there were a gazillion people running into you every which way. It was Christmas!!
The one other thing I am having a hard time coming to terms with that we won't be d
oing this year....Thanksgiving dinner and our Christmas party!!! It was great cramming in as many family-orphaned friends that wanted to come over to eat turkey. Everyone brought a special dish, we all ate too much food, and had a great time. The Christmas get together, with all the goodies, people standing in the kitchen, hallway, probably even the bathroom because there wasn't enough room (probably because our massive Christmas tree took up half of the apartment!!)... we sure are going to miss everyone who would come to them and wish we could be there this year to do it all over again.
Those are my NYC holiday memories.
I am sorry I am not going to get to experience them this year.
We'll be coming out for a visit in January or February...maybe we can do it then! :o) Everyone loves Christmas in February!!
So, yes I miss New York, but only at Christmas time. Any other time of the year...I'll pass.
Now you know my secret.
You might want to sit down before you read any further. Mind you, if you're reading this, it means you're at a computer, which probably means you're already sitting down....so I guess we're covered!!
Ok, here it goes, deep breath... ready?
I miss New York City.
Phew! It feels a little better to finally get that out in the open.
Now let me follow that up with the WHY part of N.Y.C.
The holidays are quickly approaching which means the Rocket

Christmas was the only time that, if someone asked me if I liked living in NYC, I would respond with a yes. Nothing against NYC (okay maybe a few things), but it just wasn't my city long-term. I can see why people would love it - I just don't fall under that category (and no it's not because I am from some small, isolated town in the tundra covered arctic of Canada and can't handle the big city!).

The one other thing I am having a hard time coming to terms with that we won't be d
Those are my NYC holiday memories.
I am sorry I am not going to get to experience them this year.
We'll be coming out for a visit in January or February...maybe we can do it then! :o) Everyone loves Christmas in February!!
So, yes I miss New York, but only at Christmas time. Any other time of the year...I'll pass.
Now you know my secret.
Just so you know the rockettes are doing there Christmas show down here the whole month of November, so if you can get tickets maybe you guys could go while you are here. If you want I can research it further, let me know. Can't wait to see you guys!
I just checked CNN, and it's official: Hell has frozen over!
Mel, you make me want to visit NYC now. At Christmas anyway! I'm sure in the years to come you'll make many new and fun traditions and memories in your new home.
Melanie - we are missing you guys, too!! Who are we going to eat Thanksgiving dinner with this year?! Good times, small apartment, big crowds, lots of food, and always 'interesting' conversation. =)
This post was both shocking and depressing. I CANNOT believe you miss NYC. Reading this made me miss it even more. Christmas in New York was the bestest. And the Saks light show was awesome - I swear my heart would beat faster when I watched that - it made me want to jump out of my skin or shout "Merry Christmas" to everyone or something. Love it. Miss it.
Since we can't come to your Christmas party this year, maybe you can send over some of those famous bars (can't quite remember what they are called - bordeaux?)
I'm so glad to hear that you miss it a little. I too love NYC in at Christmas especially Saks snowflake display. I'm sorry you won't get to see it this year, but I'll think of you when I'm standing in front of the tree this year.
gosh, you make me real excited to be in nyc this year for christmas!!! and how the heck can i get tickets to the show, (not to rub it in. . .)???
Oh now, so you are telling me I'm gonna miss New York whenever we move :( But I agree, Christmas time really is so fun here, sorry you don't get to come for a visit!
I audibly gasped when I read your secret. I never thought I would live to read you write that! I miss Melanie in the City and your hilarious take on NYC. (I still think you need to do an enrichment night on how to walk in the rain aka without an umbrella and other fun NYC etiquette!)
I am shocked and surprised at your post. I fell out of my chair... I am still rubbing my butt. thanks mel.
I knew you would miss it eventually. I'm sure you miss your old job at JPM too!
oh Mel! I knew you would miss something about nyc (other than your friends)The big apple misses you too. Come back!!!
Now I feel kind of sad that I'm leaving the city on December 12. I love the Christmas show too. I spent a ridiculous amount of money on a souvenir Christmas ornament last year.
Well NY misses you guys!! Really parties aren't the same without you two :-) Come visit soon!!
:) Glad you finally came around... it really is a great place! Happy Holidays to you both!
New York misses you too! We definitely missed the big Thanksgiving dinner at your apartment this year! I agree that Christmas is a great time to be in New York! We'll be looking forward to seeing you at the beginning of next year:)
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