
One Foot, Two Foot...

For Christmas, the hubster gave me a gift card to DSW.  Awesome, right?  It would be, except I can't decide on anything to buy!!  The kicker is he got a bonus gift card with his purchase and it expires at the end of this week! I know, I know, to have such problems, but do you ever experience the same thing?  You see exactly what you want, but don't have the money for it and then when you do have the money for it, you can't find what you want!?  Maybe it's just me.  Perhaps my shoe taste has become too picky, or I have lost the ability to pick out a rockin' shoe.  Oh, let's hope not.  Shoes are the pick me up of a drab outfit.  The sparkle on a worn out sweater. They just make you feel good.  I do need some more casual, practical shoes, but it's so hard to spend money on plain old boring shoes.  Who wants to do that?  It's no fun at all.  And I've also discovered shoe shopping online is no fun at all, but it beats dragging two kids with you in attempts to try shoes on, when it is cold and snowing outside. So online shoe shopping it is.
This week's to-do list item (other than the laundry, dishes, vacuuming, cleaning, making meals/snacks, etc etc): BUY SHOES!


Lisa said...

So??? Did you find anything yet? There has to be SOMETHING. sheesh!

Kyndra said...

I'm glad I read your post because it reminds me that I have the same bonus that expires this week too. Good luck to us!